News | Aug 10 |4 Min Read

Our Brewery

Our brewery is not currently open for public access, however, watch this space as we develop some cool behind scenes brewery tours!

We are a farm based production brewery in Jindong, WA, capable of producing over 2.5Million litres of beer, yearly. We pride ourselves in being one of the most sustainable breweries in Australia, taking out the Western Australian Telstra Business award for promoting sustainability and becoming a national finalist.

Our Brewery consists of a 5 vessel, 20 Hectolitre semi-automated brewhouse, seventeen fermentation vessels of varying sizes, six brite beer tanks, an automated inline counter pressure canning line, CO2 reclaim system, off grid power supply and battery system and a 250m2 cold storage facility. Plus a few cows for good measure.

We are incredibly lucky to have the space we have, to do what we do. Some of the exciting stuff we are working on includes:

100% off grid – power & water

  • Solar Off Grid System – We are currently off grid for all power- meaning we are powered 100% by the sun. In late 2022, we will be installing one of the biggest off-grid power systems in Australia to complement our existing infrastructure. How cool is that? It will be capable of delivering 350 Amps of power per phase- enough to power some seriously cool equipment we are installing, to make better beer!
  • Water – We have a state of the art water filtration station here which allows us to use ground water for brewing, before filtering and returning that water to the water table, or using that water to grow value added crops for use here on site.

Bioplant & Wastewater microalgae biotreatment

  • We are developing an onsite bioplant that will massively reduce our environmental impact. The bioplant will allow us to recycle the majority of our wastewater for reuse, and it will generate valuable fuels; biomethane & Co2. The methane can be used as an alternate fuel for brewing equipment, whilst CO2 captured in the brewing process will be used to accelerate the growth of algae and in turn provide further fuel and feedstock.

CO2 Recovery

  • CO2 reclaim – we are the first small/medium brewer in Australia to install this technology, pulling 2000 tons per year of CO2 from the atmosphere!


  • Not commonly associated with energy reclaim, our centrifuge will increase our efficiency by around 15%, while this is great for us (more beer from less work!), it’s also great for our resource utilisation and will help us with our goal of NET ZERO emission by 2025.

Hybrid vehicles

  • In 2022 we launched our fleet of hybrid vehicles for all Rocky’s on road crew, saving over 7T of Co2-e every year.
  • We have worked hard to consolidate and reduce our freight, which is down from ⅓ of our total emissions, to now less than 10% of total emissions.
  • We are also working towards bringing all freight in house, via a fully electric truck and delivery van. This will decrease our freight footprint by 35%.

Responsible packaging

  • Cardboard & Biopack 4 Pack Holders
  • Cardboard Cartons
  • Waste Cardboard Shredded & Recycled For Postage Padding
  • Velcro & Elastic Bands Used Internally To Remove Soft Plastics

Cans over bottles

  • Cans are significantly better for the planet than glass bottles – the carbon footprint of canned beer is approximately 35% lower than a bottled beer.
  • Aluminium is infinitely recyclable, lower weight than glass so easier to transport.
  • Australian based suppliers

Farm Based Circular Economy

  • Compost – we compost all waste that cannot be fed to cattle on site
  • Spent grain is fed to animals here on site, reusing a waste product
  • Wastewater fertigation
  • Soil Carbon & Reforestation

Local First Supply Chain

  • Repurposing seconds/waste fruits from local growers for our fruited/sour beers.
  • Local suppliers/ trades network, where possible.
  • Australian merchandise suppliers.