News | Feb 16 |2 Min Read

Rocky Ridge is coming to Perth, permanently.

The cat is out of the bag, the rumours are true – so get pumped, we’re coming to you.



Rocky Ridge is coming to Perth, permanently. You wouldn’t believe the amount of chirping we get in Busso from holidaymakers about setting up in Perth. Well, after two years of searching, we managed to find the ideal venue in the beautiful centre of Duncraig- specifically- shop 14, Duncraig Shopping Centre, 50 Marri Road, Duncraig, a stone’s throw north of Perth. A part of the challenge has been to find a venue that does not conflict with our on-premise customers but also fuels the demand for wholesale trade who will benefit from the delivery of a best-in-class experience for the locals.


We fell in love with the building at first sight, its renovation potential is perfect and it has the right “vibe” for us – central enough, but not flashy. Chilled, laid back and green.


We are beyond excited for this next evolution of Rocky Ridge and can’t wait to bring 30+ taps of awesomeness to Perth.


In keeping with our values, we will be investing in renewable energy for the Perth Taphouse, with a reduced waste philosophy in everything we do there – from food and food miles, through to our beer and packaging, every step along the way we have done the homework, dotted our i’s and ensured that we remain true to our core values; having the least impact environmentally while making F$^%ing good beer.


No longer will you have to ask WTF is Jindong? We are bringing Jindong to you!